Better legends

Greg Koerper greg at
Tue May 17 12:27:52 EDT 1994

> Are there better legending tools than d.legend in GRASS.
> Nalneesh Gaur, River Forecast Center, TULSA  

d.leg.thin (incoming on moon) has some nice options, as outlined in this

This is an improved version of d.legend that allows:

    Thinning the categories to be represented in the legend
    Displaying a continuous gradient of all categories in the legend
    Interactive mouse placement of the smooth gradient box

I have not tested this version very well, so can not claim that it
will work for all maps & situations.  I also have not had the chance to
write an updated man page, but "d.leg.thin help" produces:

 d.leg.thin [-nsm] map=name [color=name] [lines=value] [thin=value]

  -n   Do not show category values
  -s   Draw smooth gradient
  -m   Use mouse to size & place legend (only when -s is specified)

    map   Name of raster map
  color   Sets the legend's text color
          options: red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo,white,black,brown,
          default: white
  lines   Number of text lines (useful for truncating long legends)
          options: 0-1000
          default: 0
   thin   Thinning factor (thin=10 gives cats 0,10,20...)
          options: 0-1000
          default: 1

Also note that when using the mouse to size & place the smooth legend,
if you make a horizontal box the values run from left to right and no
category values are printed (you may want to use d.label for that).

This program is not a part of any official release of GRASS. 

Bill Brown				e-mail: brown at
USACERL - ECS				phone:  (217) 352-6511 ext 676
PO Box 9005
Champaign, IL  61826-9005

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