GRASS 4.1 on Solaris 2.x

Nair Venugopal venu at
Mon Oct 3 14:25:32 EDT 1994


I installed the Grass4.1 binaries for Solaris 2.3 on our SPARCserver 690.
One of my users says that it does not work correctly.

>   After creating and defining my LOCATION region, GRASS asks :
>   "{  Do you accept this region? (y/n)  }"    for which my answer is y
>   GRASS hangs  here!!!!  The next question should have asked for 
>   projection.
>   If I hit the return key, I get the following message:
>   "{    LOCATION <matthew1> created
>   But the Projection information files were not created!
>   You must run g.setproj successfully before projection software will 
>   work.    }"

I would  be grateful if you could help me out.

(venu at

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