irix5.2 compile (fwd)

Bart Cosyn bcosyn at
Tue Oct 11 10:18:31 EDT 1994


Here the mail Bill brown putted a few days ago on the list! It wiorked 
fine so surely they are detailed enough to resolve a lot of things. Only 
I saw that he failed often on the manual pages. Do not take care of that 
you can skip that thing bye sh GISGEN -skip and from then on it works! 
For X-grass cat the XGRASS file to the local file so it is compiled at 
the same time!

		Good luck, Bart


	Ir. Bart Cosyn
	EC- Environment project
	Environmental modelling group
	Via Nazario Sauro, 10
	Tel +/39/70/2796280
	Fax +/39/70/2796216
	E-mail: bcosyn at

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 94 12:31:39 -0500
From: Bill Brown <brown at>
Sender: grass-lists-owner at
Reply-To: grassu-list at
Precedence: Bulk
To: bcosyn at
Subject: irix5.2 compile


Here's a copy of my IRIX compile notes:

Compile notes for IRIX 5.2
A few compile problems:

When running the setup script I got complaints about some libraries
not being found - just ignore them.  The script looks for certain
names and can't find them, but cc seems to know to look for the
shared version of the library.

To fix the i.points,, i.vpoints problem:
make the function "screen" in the files "mark.c" a non-static function.
(Just delete the keyword "static" where the function is defined)
These files need to get this fix:

To compile xgrass, I needed to use these XCFLAGS: 
XCFLAGS             = -D_NO_PROTO -DXM_1_1_BC -Umips

To compile v.digit, I needed to remove this dependancy from the Gmakefile:
menus.o: menus.i

Everything else compiled OK.

xdigit did not work correctly when run.  To fix I added this test in the
function init_graphics() in the file src/xgrass/xdigit/draw.c : (~line 76)

	/* ...body of function... */

There also seems to be a problem in - actually when
calls, get a core dump.  I haven't figured out why this is
happening, so I'm using the IRIX 4.0.5 executable of  I put this
on as /grass/incoming/
Get this binary & copy it to GISBASE/etc/

This is the head file I used:

CC                  = cc
ARCH                = sgi5

GISBASE             = /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5
UNIX_BIN            = /usr/local/bin

DEFAULT_DATABASE    = /data/foghorn/4.0
DEFAULT_LOCATION    = spearfish

COMPILE_FLAGS       = -O -cckr
LDFLAGS             = -s

XCFLAGS             = -D_NO_PROTO -DXM_1_1_BC -Umips
XLDFLAGS            = -lPW
XINCPATH            =
XMINCPATH           =
XLIBPATH            =
XTLIBPATH           = -L/usr/lib
XMLIBPATH           = -L/usr/lib
XLIB                = -lX11
XTLIB               = -lXt
XMLIB               = -lXm
XEXTRALIBS          = -lPW

TERMLIB             = -ltermlib
CURSES              = -lcurses $(TERMLIB)
MATHLIB             = -lm

#                   LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?
#                   LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?; ranlib $@
#                   LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?; ar ts $@
#                   LIBRULE = ar rc $@ `lorder $(OBJ) | tsort`
LIBRULE             = ar ruv $@ $?

USE_MTIO            = -DUSE_MTIO
USE_FTIME           =

XDRLIB = -lsun


I don't know about the monitor problem, but here's a copy
of my monitorcap file:

# Monitorcap file:  describes the monitors available to your
# users.            Fields:
#  driver name :
#  actual program name :
#  short description presented to users :
#  the names of two fifo files for interprocess communication :
#  full pathname of tty from which device must be started (if any) :
#  message user gets if driver is started from wrong tty
x0:driver/XDRIVER:X-windows graphics display: \
     /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.1a /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.1b \
     ::any terminal
x1:driver/XDRIVER:X-windows graphics display: \
     /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.2a /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.2b \
     ::any terminal
x2:driver/XDRIVER:X-windows graphics display: \
     /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.3a /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.3b \
     ::any terminal
x3:driver/XDRIVER:X-windows graphics display: \
     /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.4a /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.4b \
     ::any terminal
x4:driver/XDRIVER:X-windows graphics display: \
     /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.5a /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.5b \
     ::any terminal
x5:driver/XDRIVER:X-windows graphics display: \
     /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.6a /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.6b \
     ::any terminal
x6:driver/XDRIVER:X-windows graphics display: \
     /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.7a /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.7b \
     ::any terminal
CELL:driver/CELL:Create GRASS Raster File: \
     /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.8a /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.8b \
     ::any terminal
#sunview:driver/SUNVIEW:Sun graphics display: \
#     /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.9a /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.9b \
#     ::any terminal
#4105:driver/4105:Tektronix 4105: \
#     /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.10a /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.10b \
#     ::any terminal
iris:driver/IRIS:Silicon Graphics IRIS Workstation: \
     /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.11a /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.11b \
     ::any terminal
#sun:driver/SUNCORE:Sun Core graphis display: \
#     /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.12a /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.12b \
#     ::any terminal
#IGRAPH:driver/IGRAPH:Intergraph graphics display: \
#     /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.13a /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.13b \
#     ::any terminal
#mass:driver/MASS:Masscomp graphics display: \
#     /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.14a /GRASS.bin/4.1/sgi5/dev/fifo.14b \
#     ::any terminal

-Bill B
Bill Brown				e-mail: brown at
USACERL - ECS				phone:  (217) 352-6511 ext 7676
PO Box 9005
Champaign, IL  61826-9005

See our visualization demo at URL:

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