Compiling SG3d

David Gerdes dpgerdes at
Wed Oct 19 11:43:27 EDT 1994

In article <Pine.3.89.9410190918.C24105-0100000 at> you wrote:

: Hi,

: Again some problems of compiling stuff on IRIX5.2 (indigo 2 extreme).
: I try to compile SG3d for silicon as it is a good tool for 
: visualization of my DEMs. But!

: 1) I compiled the libraries imagelib.a and panel.a
: So far ok!
: 2) I go to the subdir SG3d and I find a gmakefile! What now?
: I have to add this to the local file of my main compileng or can I 
: compile it separated! I tried to do it but I got. He tells me does 
: not finde the .a files while at the moment I take over the 
: definition line I go without problem to it and i find the libary.


SG3d is part of the GRASS GIS 'system'.  It cannot be used by itself.
It works with GRASS maps.  So you need at least a minimal GRASS system
to support it.  (e.g. creating and managing the files).  I would 
recommend building GRASS first, and then trying to compile SG3d.

If you don't want all of GRASS, you can go edit the file src/CMD/lists/GRASS
and delete those programs that you know you don't want (refer to the manual
to see what you don't want I guess)  But you will need to compile the 
libraries at least.

As for your Gmakefile problem, All GRASS programs are compiled with a
program called gmake which reads Gmakefiles and creates a makefile based
on how you set up the system when you install it.  All of this stuff
is in the src/CMD directory.  I would also recommend that you read the
installation instructions.  

  David Gerdes
  US Army Construction Engineering Research Lab
  Spatial Analysis & Systems Team
  dpgerdes at

     Currently at:
      USDA Soil Conservation Service/TISD
      2625 Redwing Rd, Suite 110
      Ft. Collins CO  80526-2878

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