VideoPics and Solaris 2.4

Louis Clarke lclarke at
Mon Dec 18 07:00:00 EST 1995

Hi All,
     We have several S-VHS aerial tapes of waterways in our district and we 
had previously been able to pull an image into GRASS.  The problem is we 
upgraded our machine and operating system.  Previously we were running a 
Sun Sparc 2 upgraded to a 4 under SunOS.  VideoPix worked very nicely.  The 
hardware installs in the Sun Sparc LX, but the software doesn't run under 
Solaris 2.4.  We were interfacing to a Panasonic AG-7650 S-VHS tape machine.
     Can anyone help us find a way to run VideoPix on our new system, or 
suggest a comparable software package that we can use with our hardware.

Louis Clarke                           U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
lclarke at    Albuquerque District
voice (505)254-3281                    Regulatory Branch
FAX (505)254-3498

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