Global Datasets Available from CRSSA
Carine O'Neil
coneil at
Mon Jan 23 16:46:17 EST 1995
Developed by USACERL & Rutgers University
Available from the Center for Remote Sensing
and Spatial Analysis, Cook College, Rutgers University
Hello, GRASS Users;
The following is a description of the data contained on the Global GRASS 1, 2,
3, 4, & 5 CD-ROM digital datasets that we have been distributing for the past
three years. We have also included ordering information for your convenience.
The data were developed by th US Army Corps of Engineers by their Spatial
Analysis Systems Team and the Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial analysis,
Cook College, Rutgers University. Rutgers University is responsible for bringing this data to you.
The files on the CD-ROM are stored in uncompressed, flat format and can be
accessed directly using GRASS software. The files can be imported fairly easily
for non-GRASS users as well. For information on how to obtain GRASS 4.1.2 for
free from the ftp site or to order the GRASS CD-ROM and other GRASS products,
contact Carine O'Neil at the following address and phone number.
For something more detailed than the following Global GRASS CD-ROM contents
list contact the individuals below for information on the data or about ordering the CDs:
Scott Madry, Associate Director OR Carine O'Neil
Center for Remote Sensing and Global Dataset Project Crdntr
Spatial Analysis, Cook College same address
Box 231, College Farm Road same phone and FAX #
Rutgers University email: coneil at
New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Phone #: 908-932-1582
FAX #: 908-932-8746
email: madry at
Please send to one of the above contacts your NAME, ADDRESS, E-MAIL ADDRESS,
PHONE and FAX # along with either a CHECK, MONEY ORDER, or PURCHASE ORDER
(FAXed copies are acceptable) payable to "Rutgers, the State University of NJ".
CD1: $375 CD4: $225
CD2: $300 CD5: $225
CD3: $250 ALL 5: $1,125
OVERSEAS shipping and handling is U.S. $10.
U.S. GOVERNMENT agencies receive a 25% discount.
Surface Albedo for January,........... Matthews, E. 1983. "Global Vegetation
April, July & October and Land Use: New High Resolution
Data Bases for Climate Studies,"
J. Climate Appl. Meeor. (22):474-487.
Aspect................................ ETOPO5, NOAA Geophysical Data Center
Continents............................ ETOPO5, World Data Base II
Continental Shelf..................... ETOPO5
Coral Reef Distribution............... Times Atlas of the Oceans, 1983
Primary Cover/Vegetation Types........ NOAA National Center for Atmospheric
Research, University of Liverpool
Reliability of Land Cover Data........ As above
Secondary Cover/Vegetation Types...... As above
Intensity of Agicultural Cultivation.. Matthews 1983 (see above)
Major World Ecosystem Complexes....... NOAA/Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
Martin Marietta Aenergy Systems, the
CDIC Numeric Data Collection
Fisheries Productivity................ As above
Greenturtle Distribution.............. Atlas of Animal Migrations 1972
and Characteristics
Land (Elevation greater thatn 0)...... ETOPO5
Nations--Politcal Boundaries.......... paper map dated Jan. 1, 1982.
1:40,000,000 scale
Ocean Bio-Geographic Zones............ Times Atlas of the Oceans. 1983
based on Surface Temp
Biological Ocean Zones................ map based on ETOPO5, with info. from
based on Bathymetry Rand McNally
Ocean Floor Biomass Production........ Times Atlas of the Oceans. 1983
Marine Conservation Projects.......... Times Atlas of the Oceans. 1983
General Range of Sea Otter............ as above
Ocean Productivitiy in mg/m3.......... Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS)
Phytoplankton Productivity............ FAO Atlas of the Living Resources
of the Seas. 1977
Soil Map.............................. FAO 1974 Soil Map of the World and
Matthews 1983 vegetation dataset
World Soil Slope Groups............... As above
Soil Texture Groups................... As above
Reliability of Soils.................. As above
Detailed Soil Types................... As above
Soils for GMC......................... NOAA National Center for Atmospheric
Research, University of Liverpool
Shaded Relief Map..................... ETOPO5
World Topographic Elevation Ranges.... As above
Natural Vegetation.................... based on UNESCO classification system
(Pre-Agriculture) and Matthews 1983
Abundance of Zooplankton.............. FAO Atlas of the Living Resources of
the Seas. 1977
Average Vegetation Production......... AVHRR data from April 1984-December 1988
for Each Month of the Year 1984-88
(12 files)
12 monthly Cloud Cover............... International Institute for Applied
(percentage) files Systems Analysis (IIASA) database for
mean monthly values of temp.,
precipitation and cloudiness (Leemans
and Cramer 1990)
12 monthly Precipitation............. As above
(inches) files
12 monthly Temperature............... As above
(degrees F) files
5 Watersheds of the World files...... Created at CERL, based on ETOPO5
Bathymetry file...................... ETOPO5
Visual Earth - shaded image.......... Eyes on the Earth, Inc. Santa Monica,
Major Mountains of the World......... USA-CERL
Ridges fo the World.................. Created at CERL
Rivers of the World.................. Created at CERL, based on World DBase II
Soil Elements........................ UNESCO/FAO Soil Map of the World 1973
Soil Formations...................... As above
Shaded Relief Map.................... CERL (Improved from CD1)
Percent of Urban Cover............... Corrected by CERL from US Navy (NCAR)
Vegetation Production................ NOAA Geophysical Data Center
53 Weekly Vegetation................. Each file is a compostion of
Productivity files approximately 7 AVHRR NVI Images
6.2 Million (approximately).......... Foreign data: Defense Mapping Agency-
global sites files in over 630 Hydrographic/Topographic Center
different category types (Geographic Names Branch)
U.S. data: United States Geological
Survey-Geographical Names Branch
High resolution World Data Base II... World Data Base II
global vector data
High resolution (1.5 min.)........... Created at CERL
shaded relief map
High resolution (21 sec.)............ Created at CERL-based on World DBase II
land/water map
Gross National Product............... WWF Atlas of the Environment. 1992
Acid Rain............................ As above
Spreading Deserts.................... As above
Safe Drinking Water Availability..... As above
Daily Calorie Intake/Person.......... As above
Physicians/Person.................... As above
Tropical Forest Destruction.......... As above
Bovines/sq. Km....................... National Center for Atmospheric Research
Buffalo/sq. Km....................... As above
Camels/sq. Km........................ As above
Caribou/sq. Km....................... As above
Non-Dairy Cattle/sq. Km.............. As above
Dairy Cattle/sq. Km.................. As above
Goats/sq. Km......................... As above
Horses/sq. Km........................ As above
Pigs/sq. Km.......................... As above
Methane production/sq. Km............ As above
Albacore-Distribution,............... International Tropical Tuna Commision
Spawning & Fisheries 1988 Tuna and Billfish: Fish Without
a Country.
Bluefin-Distribution,................ As above
Spawning & Fisheries
Bluefin-Migration.................... As above
Marlin-Distribution,................. As above
Spawing & Fisheries
Marlin-Migration..................... As above
Skipjack-Distribution,............... As above
Spawning & Fisheries
Skipjack-Migration................... As above
Yellowfin-Distribution,.............. As above
Spawning & Fisheries
Yellowfin-Migration.................. As above
Manatee and Dugon.................... Ridgeway & Harris 1981. Handbook of
Distributions Marine Mammals.
Inundated Land....................... NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center,
Institute for Space Studies
Fog.................................. Times Atlas of the Oceans. 1983
Icebergs............................. As above
Casualty Risk Areas at Sea........... As above
Tropical Storms...................... As above
Winter Gales......................... As above
Ridge Direction...................... National Center for Atmospheric Research
(NCAR); 1984 and U.S. Navy
Numbers of Ridges.................... As above
Primary Terrain...................... As above, corrected by Rutgers Univrsty.
Secondary Terrain.................... As above
12 Seasurface Temperature............ Physical Oceanography DAAC @ Jet
(degrees C) interpolated files Propulsion Lab & California Institute of
(5 year average for days 48, 76, 104, Technology
132, 160, 188, 215, 244, 272, 300, 335
and 363 of the year)
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