help for GRASS installation

Baxter E. Vieux vieux at
Tue Oct 3 08:00:00 EDT 1995

>trying to install GRASS Version 4.1 on IBM Risc 6000 system.
We have compiled grass on IBM RS6000 without too much trouble.
The main point is to setup the install as completely as possible.
Sometimes libraries aren't where they should be so you may have
to the install program know where they are or else make a link
for where it expects to find them.  The following head file was 
created by a recent compilation on an RS6000 Model 25. 

CC                  = cc
ARCH                = RISC41

GISBASE             = /usr/orstom/grass4.1
UNIX_BIN            = /usr/orstom/grass4.1/bin

DEFAULT_DATABASE    = /usr/orstom/grass4.1/DATA

LDFLAGS             = -s

XCFLAGS             = -D_NO_PROTO
XLDFLAGS            =
XINCPATH            =
XMINCPATH           =
XLIBPATH            = -L/usr/lib
XTLIBPATH           = -L/usr/lib
XMLIBPATH           = -L/usr/lib
XLIB                = -lX11
XTLIB               = -lXt
XMLIB               = -lXm
XEXTRALIBS          =

TERMLIB             =
CURSES              = -lcurses $(TERMLIB)
MATHLIB             = -lm

#                   LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?
#                   LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?; ranlib $@
#                   LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?; ar ts $@
#                   LIBRULE = ar rc $@ `lorder $(OBJ) | tsort`
LIBRULE             = ar ruv $@ $?

USE_MTIO            =
USE_FTIME           =

As I recall, I had to make a link for Xm in the /usr/include dir which
points as follows:
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        23 Jun  7 10:42 Xm@ -> /usr/lpp/X11/inclu

There are always complaints about duplicate declarations which can
be fixed by temporarily commenting out the function.

Good luck--
Baxter Vieux

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