DRGs with Grass

Bruce Nielsen in1000!bnielsen at irmd.ftc.nrcs.usda.gov
Thu Sep 7 08:00:00 EDT 1995

According to: Paul Loechl
>Has anyone used Digital Raster Graphics (DRG) files with Grass?
>If so, have you built a script that automates the import process?
>Thanks in advance.
>Paul Loechl                                     loechl at diego.cecer.army.mil
>USA CERL                                        (217)352-6511x7474


Somebody wrote about the DRG's to the list a few months ago.  After
reading about them I got the sampler CD from USGS and was able to
import them into an x,y generic location in GRASS using r.in.tiff.

I haven't gotten to the point of rectifying them to ground coordinates,
though.  I would also be interested in getting the instructions for
that process.

It's been a couple months since I did it so, as best as I remember,
here are the steps to get the DRG's in:

1.  Mount the CD
2.  Symbolically link the DRG's directory to the tiff directory in
    your mapset.
3.  r.in.tiff
4.  r.compress (to reduce the cell file size)

Bruce Nielsen                VOICE(net): (317) 290-3203
Computer Specialist (GIS)    FAX(net):   (317) 290-3225
USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (formerly SCS)
6013 Lakeside Blvd.          INTERNET:   in1000!bnielsen at irmd.ftc.nrcs.usda.gov
Indianapolis, IN 46278

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