Want to know more about GRASS

David Viebrock viebrock at gis.cwu.edu
Wed Apr 10 08:00:00 EDT 1996

On Wed, 10 Apr 1996, John M. Brown wrote:

> Hi
>         Just introduced to GRASS and would like to know what type of
> computer I will need to run this software?  I heard there is a PC version
> being developed?  Is there anything for the Macintosh?

        You can run GRASS 4.15 on a PC running either SCO Unix (I use 
version 3.0.0) or Linux.  If you buy SCO and something really goes wrong 
with the operating system you will at least have an organization to gripe 
at with some obligation to help you.  I haven't heard of anything for the 
Mac either; I wouldn't hold my breath since Mac's don't seem to be the 
computer for the future.

>         A friend said I will need a workstation such as a Silcon Graphics
> or Sun Sparc.  Does anyone have a used workstation for sale?

        The type of computer you will need depends on the size of the database 
you create/maintain.  I use an IBM PC with 3 GB of SCSI storage but I 
only have to cover our irrigation district (approx. 100,000 acres).  
Things will almost always be faster on a bigger workstation so if you 
have to cover an entire county I wouldn't recommend less than a Sparc 10 
with approx. 60MB RAM and 4-6GB storage (more if you have lots & lots of 
>         Regards:  JB > > John M. Brown > AIR > 2811 Lynnwood Dr.
> Columbia, MO  65203
> 1-573-442-6273

Dave Viebrock
viebrock at gis.cwu.edu

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