Problem with .dxf

G. Zacharioudakis GIORGOS at
Mon Jan 22 07:00:00 EST 1996

Hi netters,
We manage to compile succesfully grass4.1 to the new SGI platform, 
the Power Indigo with the 6000 chip. 
It was a bit painful but we finally did it!
I got only one problem. 
When I import dxf files the job seemed to be done properly.
However, when I ran to build the vector file for v.digit
I got the error message:

"Segmentation fault-core dumped
ERROR( Could not build vector file 'filename' ".

The fact that the worked allright with binary vector files 
of the tutorial makes me think that there is something wrong with (allthough there are not error messages).
I have read similar problems on the net.
Any suggestions or advice would be really helpful.
Could I copy the relevant files from a Sun workstation?

Speaking for the SGI GRASS4.1 installation and compilation, I will 
inform the users about the problems and the alterations in the 
compilation flags we did. At the moment I am tidying up the 

Thanks in advance

Giorgos Zacharioudakis
Hydrogeology Section
School of Earth Sciences 
University of Birmingham
Birmingham B15 2TT

tel: 0044-121-4146146
fax: 0044-121-4143971

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