vect polygons to MapInfo

Xin Zhuang zhuang at
Tue Jan 2 07:00:00 EST 1996

Thanks, Ron.
I'll take a look at your code. I have written a code
that has solved the problem of shared boundaried, as
I tested. I do have a problem to take concaves into
GRASS, which I didn't have time to work on it yet.

BTW, does youe code take care of concaves? For me I have
a problem to identify a point within the concave that required
by GRASS, if I understand GRASS correctly.


In info.grass.user you write:

>> Has anyone done this before? Since MapInfo
>> needs a polygon/region self-contained
>> no matter where it shares boundaries with
>> others or not, it won't take GRASS vector
>> polygons exported in v.out.ascii?
>I have put a program called v.out.mif on the incoming directory of 
>moon. It makes a mif and a mid file from a grass vector map (polygons 
>The resulting files are stored in the directory $LOCATION/mapinfo.
>If you have rasterized the vector map with grass and you have 
>assigned colors to the different categories you can use this raster 
>map to color the exported vector map.
>The header of the mif file contains information on the projection 
>and type of coordinate system used. Since I only use the Dutch 
>coordinate system, you will have to edit this if you want another one.
>The coordinates are written in the format %10.1lf If you need another 
>format, edit the source.
>MIF files can also be imported into Arc-View. There is a tool 
>MIFSHAPE, which converts MIF-files to Arc-View SHAPE files.
>Wish you all good luck and best wishes for 1996
>Ronald Wiemer
>kerkstraat 1
>3811 CV Amersfoort
>The Netherlands

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