ERROR G_calloc

Harini Nagendra harini at
Thu May 9 08:00:00 EDT 1996

Hi, sorry if this is a dumb question but....what is the "floating point 
version" of grass? 

| Harini Nagendra               E-MAIL : harini at      |
| Center for Ecological         PHONE  : 91 80 309 2639 (Hostel: LR-94)|
| Sciences                             : 91 80 309 2506 (Department)   |
| Indian Institute of Science   FAX    : 91 80 334 1683                |
| Bangalore 560 012 India       TELEX  : 845 8349 IISc IN              |

On Thu, 9 May 1996, Cosyn Bart wrote:

> Hi,
> Are you talking about the floating point version of Grass or the normal 
> 4.1.5 version! I have similar problems on our silicon machines since I 
> installed the fp_version. I posted already several times a message about 
> it and never received a satisfying answer! Does the problem also occurs 
> in r.reclass? Any case I am still working to get an idea what happens! As 
> I am not really a good C-programmer it may need some time, so I hope you 
> got some reply! In case you should receive some news about it. Please let 
> me know!
>                       Thank Bart

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