Houxiang Wang GEO Grad 96
wangh2 at gisserv20.geog.muohio.edu
Fri Jan 16 02:24:54 EST 1998
Hi dear GRASS users:
I am having troubles importing files from idrisi, and hereby securing helps from
I have exported idrisi files using ascii raster format. And then I edited the
file (deleting the first two lines of projection and zone, so there are six
lines as the header). After ftp them to GRASS, I ran r.in.ascii. Everything
looked okay. However, when I tried to display it, it was blank--three or four
non-sense colorful lines at the top, and elsewhere was just white. I checked the
file under cellhd directory. It reads:
proj: 1
zone: 16
north: 4386270
south: 4351770
east: 730110
west: 686490
cols: 1454
rows: 1150
e-w resol: 30
n-s resol: 30
format: 0
compressed: 1
Actually it is in UTM 16, and it is within the current region. I am not sure of
the last sentence. Does it mean that the file is compressed so that GRASS could
not process it correctly?
I also tried to export from idrisi using binary format, which produces two
directories--cell and cellhd, each containing one file of the same name. In
grass I then ran r.support to get a color table for it. However, this time it
was even worse--I couldn't get the file done.
I am stuck. Could someone give me some hints? Thanks a lot in advance.
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