Discussion on 4.2.1 update frequency

Michel Wurtz - LTE mw at engees.u-strasbg.fr
Mon Jun 22 10:21:12 EDT 1998

Skip Haak wrote:
> Markus,
> I wouldn't have a problem with the frequency of the updates if you provided
> patches to existing versions. I don't like having to download the entire
> program and reinstalling. If the updates are to fix problems, I think the
> higher the frequency the better.

I agree... and someone else pointed out that the module's independance
permits to update each of them without risk ... I agree too.

I think also that grass is huge and nobody uses all the programs.
There is probably a way to split grass in a core (main modules),
and somes packages well defined that you can load or not depending
your needs (USGS DEM or TIGER files are generaly not very usefull
in Europe :-)
Michel Wurtz    ENGEES - Laboratoire Territoires & Environnement
                1, quai Koch - BP 1039, F-67070 STRASBOURG cedex
                Tel: +33  Fax: +33

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