xgrass was Solaris and XGRASS 4.2.1

Herve Dreau hdreau at worldnet.fr
Wed May 6 14:28:43 EDT 1998

CW> After mucking about with the sources some more, I decided to
CW> upgrade the installed copy of LessTIF with the one provided in the
CW> 4.2.1 release and then recompiled the actual xgrass EXE. It runs
CW> now and pops up a window, but when it prompts me for a database, I
CW> only see the first part, (the path where the locations are stored
CW> - GISBASE) I don't see any of our installed locations or
CW> mapsets. How do I set this up under XGrass? Or is there still
CW> something wrong with the executable that's preventing these
CW> choices from appearing?

I dont have Xgrass on my home computer, but at work  i compiled grass
under  Linux with the version of Lesstif provided by grass. First I
have the same behavior than you discribe, I can pass this step by
passing parameters in command line argument to xgrass (try xgrass
--help or something like this) for location mapset and database.
like xgrass -location=leics -mapset=dreau

CW> - Cliff --
My 2 eurocents
Hervé Dréau Interne en Médecine
hdreau at worldnet.fr dreau at b3e.jussieu.fr
Médecine Linux Java

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