How best to combine colours

J.Simon Goodall sgoodall at
Wed Sep 16 16:49:49 EDT 1998

I'm new to GRASS and evidently don't understand the colour handling well
enough. Working on a SPOT (R,G,B) image I get a very poor resulting image
doing 'r.colors map=band color=grey.eq' and then a 'd.rgb' of the three
bands. Is this the wrong procedure to get the best results?

Where can I read more about the colour handling or is it my 16 bit display
combined with a XDRIVER of 24 bits the one that is mucking things up?

Still so many questions, I'm desperate and plow throu documents but am
evidently searching in the wrong places. Please give me some leaders.

Thx in advance,


Working Environment: Linux, X11 16bpp, fvwm, Grass 4.2

J.Simon Goodall, Lic.
Ea.Viamonte, C.C.8,
9420 Rio Grande, 
TDF, Argentina
sgoodall at
te 54.964.30.861 fx 22.008

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