ANNOUNCE: GRASS 4.2.1 (V.19) source code released

Markus Neteler neteler at
Tue Sep 22 19:48:37 EDT 1998

Dear GRASS Community,

 after collecting changes for some weeks it is time now
 to publish the next GRASS 4.2.1 release.

 Where to find it:
   ... on the mirrors soon

 What is available:
  - GRASS 4.2.1 (V.19) source code package
  - GRASS update package V.1x -> V.19

  ... precompiled binaries coming the next days

 What's new:

  - added:
       - semivariogram calculation for (J.B.)
       - / r.out.arctiff (M.N.)
       - r.distance (M.N.)
       - r.out.pov (export into POVRAY raytracer for 3D views)(Klaus Meyer)
       - d.what.sites (J.B.)
  - updated (working now):
       - v.digspline (v.digit with spline interpolation) (J.B.)
       - i.shape (J.B.)
       - d.fix.ortho (registration of aerial images) (M.N.)
       - d.param.scale/ r.param.scale (J.B.)
       -   (M.N.)
       - r.out.tiff (sensitive to g.region settings now) (M.N.)
       - compilation also on SGI supported now (J.B.)
       - gdbase - ASCII - DBMS (r.gdbase, s.gdbase, v.gdbase) with
          own Tcl/Tk interface  (M.N.)
       - i.grey.scale (supports command line also now) (M.N.)
       - s.db.rim (M.N.)
       - v.db.rim (J.B.)
  My personal thanks go to Jacques Bouchard (J.B.) who did many of the 
  corrections here and all the others, who send in suggestions
  or bugreports. Find details in the history text on the source code

  Have fun

    Markus Neteler

Geographisches Institut           |            Institute of Geography
   Physische Geographie                          Physical Geography 
 & Landschaftsoekologie                        & Landscape Ecology
Universitaet Hannover                 University of Hannover, Germany
                     neteler at

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