Tutorial datasets---how to start?

Alan Eugene Davis adavis at netpci.com
Tue Jan 19 12:24:57 EST 1999

Long ago, I installed the spearfish tutorial data  set.  Now I have
upgraded to 4.2.1, this data set is working.  I haven't been able to use
the imagery or global data sets.  When I try to specifiy anything, in
the opening screen (asking for mapset etc.) I always get the message
that I do not have permission to access the mapset.

I changed the ownership and permissions, without success.

I have not been able to find a tutorial that explains this aspect of
grass use.  Is there something out there?

Alan Davis

Alan E. Davis                       Marianas High School (Science Department)
AAA196, Box 10001    adavis at netpci.com   http://www.saipan.netpci.com/~adavis
Saipan, MP  96950    15.16oN 145.7oE    GMT+10       Northern Mariana Islands

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