GRASS Organizational Needs - Job Placement Assistance

David Mandel dmandel at
Wed Jun 2 03:40:15 EDT 1999

I haven't posted to the GRASS list in a long time.  I've just been quietly
listening.  However, since the list may disappear in the near future, I'd
better use it while it continues to exist.

Open Source Projects such as GRASS need to be more proactive about getting
and more importantly keeping talent.  We have all seen the problems
Open Source projects have when their original source of funding drys up.
People working on such projects often make major sacrifaces to stay 
on the project; but get little outside help.  Among the many problems 
such projects face, it the lack of a centralized spot to advertise
positions or skills.  Moroever, most recuiters aren't interested in
working with Open Source people because they are so specialized.
If is a lot easier to place a VB programmer than a GRASS or LTPlus

In help counter these problems, maybe the Baylor web page should 
have a help wanted/position wanted area.

                                                    David Mandel

	      *** Change of Address and Phone Number ***
	I recently left AverStar's BLM/USFS contract to start
  A Linux Consultancy specializing in Training and Software Porting
	  Updated phone and address information is posted at
 (503) 284-9723 Portland                       (541) 752-3769 Corvallis

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