[GRASSLIST:1285] New downscale Perl/r.mapcalc script for climate variables such as temperature

coopl coopl at ippc2.orst.edu
Fri Dec 15 22:30:58 EST 2000


I wrote a preliminary GRASS 4.x r.mapcalc script that uses high res.
elevation to
downscale climate variables that are elevation-dependent such as
degree-days, temperature, and precipitation. Thus far I have used 
it only to downscale cumulative degree-days from ca. 4KM to ca. 500M.

It is based on 5x5 cell local weighted least squares regression between
the variable and elevation.

For more info, see the website at:


Anyone feel free to comment. Perhaps after improvements, it could
be submitted to the scripts section of grass.

Leonard Coop
Research Associate
Entomology Dept & Integrated Plant Protection Center
2046 Cordley
Oregon State University
Corvallis OR 97331-2907
Phone 541-737-5523
Fax   541-737-3080

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