arcview-dbase files ---> grass4.2

Antonio Rodríguez Verdugo rod.chav at
Wed Feb 2 10:10:12 EST 2000

On Fri, 12 Nov 1999, Antonio [iso-8859-1] Rodríguez Verdugo wrote:

> Hi,
> I have recently started a project that has a lot of arcinfo coverages (.e00
> type) that I have succesfully imported into Grass4.2 with A very
> easy task. But, besides this, I have some Arcview's views and a lot of
> dbase tables with the attributes to use with the coverages. Has anybody
> some experience translating this kind of files to Grass? 

Hi Antonio,

the in GRASS 5 reads the attributes from Dbase tables
related to a shape file. The 4.x version doesn't. 
What you can do:
 - get the GRASS 5 source code, take out and
   compile within 4.2.1
 - get the GRASS 5 linux/Solaris binaries, take out
   and copy it to 4.x
 - if still required, write me personally and I will send you
   the package.

Best regards
 Markus Neteler

Antonio Rodríguez Verdugo

Paraje Natural Marismas del Odiel
Centro de Calatilla
Huelva, Spain
rod.chav at

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