[GRASSLIST:1141] More on questions r.in.tiff

juhana.nieminen at helsinki.fi juhana.nieminen at helsinki.fi
Thu Nov 16 11:40:38 EST 2000

I noticed a weird thing -

while working with grass5b8 on a RH7.0 (with Xfree4) - the r.in.tiff command gives a "core dumped" (on 8 different machines) while there are 2 or more consecutive X windows sessions open. Once there is only one X open the command works fine...

 any ideas?


- Juhana Nieminen ------------------------------------------
Division of Environmental Biology,GIS Laboratory
P.O.Box 44 (Jyrangontie 2)             tel: +358-9-191 40054
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki       fax: +358-9-191 40048
Finland                          http://ginkgo.pc.helsinki.fi

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