grass debian package
Federico Di Gregorio
fog at
Tue Oct 17 11:36:11 EDT 2000
Scavenging the mail folder uncovered Daniel Reuter's letter:
> Hello Federico,
> Nice to hear, that grass will be packaged. I'm not a developer, so perhaps
> this is quite stupid, but my five pence concerning splitting this
> for sure really large package:
> Perhaps a splitting scheme similar to the one used with postgresql or
> perl would be sensible:
> - Put docs (manpages) in a separate package
i'll do that... but manpages are just 1.1M vs 28M package!
> - Put graphical user interface into a separate package (is tcltkgrass
> already included in 4.99? Don't know at the moment).
tcltkgrass is included. weigths about 500K (no bonus in splitting it.)
> - Perhaps split by functions (i.e. make a base package and make packages
> called lets say grass-image-processing, grass-printing-system, though
> it sure would be difficult to tell which functions should already be in
> base, and which should go into separate packages.
mmm... i don't know. there are really people that use, say, onlt r.*
commands and never need a ps.* one?
i still havent build the nviz interface and other cruft. i that's
big enough it will surely go into a separate package.
the main problem is that a *lot* of command are linked statically
with common code. some times ago i requested help on the grass ml
to make grass build shared, but nobody answered...
Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE System Programmer fog at
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact fog at
All programmers are optimists. -- Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.
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