[GRASSLIST:1697] Re: importing dted without using a tape drive

Eric G. Miller egm2 at jps.net
Wed Apr 4 00:50:08 EDT 2001

On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 09:20:42PM -0700, Gerald Buckmaster wrote:
> Hello GRASS Users,
> I cannot seem to find a modern method to import DTED into GRASS.  I've RTFM but
> cannot determine what I'm doing wrong.
> I am attempting to bring in DTED Level 1 data from a file on CDROM (not a
> tape).  I thought I was successful using r.in.gdal, but the raster displayed
> looked nothing like the terrain I'm working in.  It looks more like the side of
> a zebra - irregularly striped.
> I have looked at the commands r.in.ll, r.in.dted, m.dted.examine,
> m.dted.extract, m.rot90, etc.
> What basic concept am I missing?

r.in.gdal doesn't do the colors at the moment. Try running r.colors (use
"grey" or similar).  For best effect, you'll want some kind of
hillshading or some such (NVIZ can do nicely...).

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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