[GRASSLIST:2281] problems with grasslinks

jun liu jliu_01 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 5 18:09:30 EDT 2001

Dear Glynn:

The problems I mentioned before are all solved because
of your help. Thanks again.

Here is the new one.

I try to run the grass command in "gl31.pl" from a
user's webpage, such as "p.select ppm" and
"p.select" will work (i redirect its output to a tmp
file), but "p.map.new" or "g.list type=vect" will not
work. I check the error.log and get the information as
" ERROR: MAPSET grasslinks4 - permission denied".

$HOME/$GISDBASE/../grasslinks4 directory is already
set as  777.

I also checked the grass env variables setting and it
seems referenceing correctly. In fact, I can run the
GL script directly from unix terminal (not grass
terminal) and grass command can be executed.

what do I need to do?



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