[GRASSLIST:2763] Re: general question (fwd)

Gail Higginbottom ghigginb at physics.adelaide.edu.au
Thu Dec 6 21:27:46 EST 2001

I am forwarding this mail in answer to running multiple sessions.

See below.

best wishes,

Gail Higginbottom,
Centre for European Studies and General Linguistics,
University of Adelaide,
Adelaide, South Australia,
Australia. 5005.
Department of Physics and Mathematical Physics

ghigginb at physics.adelaide.edu.au


(08) 8303:6440

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 12:47:01 +1030 (CST)
From: Ken Simpson <ksimpson at physics.adelaide.edu.au>
To: Gail Higginbottom <ghigginb at physics.adelaide.edu.au>
Subject: Re: [GRASSLIST:2754] general question (fwd)

Not much point running multiple sessions on the same machine, since
they will all take CPU time from each other and you will still have to
wait the same length of time for everything to finish.  Better to
write a shell script which can be run on several different machines (I
have examples of this).

Dr. Ken Simpson                         Tel: +61-8-8303-5036
High Energy Astrophysics Group          Fax: +61-8-8303-4380
U of Adelaide, SA 5005, AUSTRALIA       ksimpson at physics.adelaide.edu.au

> Just a general question is all I have...is it possible to modify a file
> somewhere to be able to get multiple sessions of grass running on one
> computer??  I lose a lot of time waiting for scripts that I have created
> to run.
> If not, is this a possible option for 5.1??  Thanks!!
> --
>         LTJG Kevin Slover,NOAA   GIS Specialist/Meteorologist/Oceanographer
>               Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center
>                     11691 SW 17th Street Miami FL 33165
>                  Work: (305) 229-4456 Fax : (305) 553-1264

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