Dela Lovecraft dela at ukonline.co.uk
Thu Jun 28 19:07:54 EDT 2001

Dear All,

I am looking to get GRASS running on FreeBSD  4.3, but I am a bit confused as 
to how to do this.

I have had a go using the Linux binaries (I have them at hand), but they 
don't work. So, I need to compile from source (which I thought I might need 
to anyway). The version listed in the ports collection is Grass5.0beta8, but 
this is a bit of a problem, since the links to this version are not 
available. I would actually prefer to be running Grass 4.3 at the moment as 
well, so...

...is it possible to get Grass 4.3 running on FreeBSD as the sources are (I 
have to download it, using a slow connection, so haven't checked), and how do 
I go about compiling binaries for the newer v5.x Grass ?

Any help on this would be most appreciated.

Dela Lovecraft

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