Tom Russo russo at swcp.com
Fri Jun 29 12:37:31 EDT 2001

> I am looking to get GRASS running on FreeBSD  4.3, but I am a bit confused as 
> to how to do this.

I have compiled Grass 5beta11 on FreeBSD4.3 with almost no problem, per the
instructions in the tarball from the GRASS mirror.  I did, however, have
one problem during the make install --- the makefile doesn't actually create
the directory for the fifos and when it gets to installing them the devices
don't get installed properly.  The fix was easy, I just hacked the makefile
to create that directory as part of make install.

Other than that, all modules compiled cleanly using stock FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE
and XFree86 3.6.6.  I had trouble compiling with XFree86 4.0.3 --- that's 
because there are a bunch of extra libraries needed to make the X threading
stuff resolve all its references.  

So just download the 5pre1 source tarball and follow the instructions --- 
the configure script gets everything right for BSD.

Oh, you might want to install libgeotiff and libgdal *before* compiling Grass
if you think you might need these features.  They aren't in the 
ports collection, you have to get them elsewhere.  

Note also that the BSD port of unixODBC doesn't seem to work with the BSD port
of MySQL straight out of the box, and in the end I just wound up doign all
my grass database stuff in postgres (from the ports collection) instead.

Good luck,
Tom Russo   KM5VY   QRPL #1592   K2#398     http://www.swcp.com/~russo/
Tijeras, NM DM64ux  SOC #236  ICQ#97201722  http://www.qsl.net/~km5vy/
 "Hope is the thing with feathers/that perches in the soul,/and sings the
  tune without the words/and never stops at all." -- Emily Dickenson

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