[GRASSLIST:2414] more startup woes

Aurelien aurelien at fractals.be
Mon Sep 10 04:50:00 EDT 2001

De : Aurelien <aurelien at fractals.be>
Date : Dim 09 sep 2001  03:39:05 Europe/Paris
À : grasslist at baylor.edu
Objet : more startup woes

First of all, thanks buddies for your answers. Seems like it's hard to 
get started with GRASS !

I've downloaded the spearfish dataset for grass 5 and put it under /opt

BTW, I had to manually add /usr/local/bin to my PATH. Is this normal ? I 
wonder also if I have to source /etc/csh.cshrc and /etc/csh.login 

Now, if I cd to /opt and do 'grass5 spearfish/PERMANENT', yes, I get a 
'GRASS 5.0beta11 >' prompt
There, the terminal tells me I've got several options:

This version running thru the TC Shell (/bin/tcsh)
Help is available with the command:      g.help
See the licence terms with:              g.version -c
Start the graphical user interface with: tcltkgrass&
When ready to quit enter:                exit

Funny thing, if I do g.help, I'm back with the 'vt100 error'. g.version 
-c works though (Great !), and exit works also. However, if I enter 
'tcltkgrass&', I get the following message:

[1] 747
        Mapset <PERMANENT> in Location 
<spearfish>                                      GRASS 5.0beta11 > 
/usr/local/grass5/bin/tcltkgrass: command not found: wish [3]

What is 'wish' now ?

NOTE: I had launched XDarwin in rootless mode before starting GRASS

thx in advance,


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