[GRASSLIST:3477] impoirt of data tables associated with vector data

adinno at hsph.harvard.edu adinno at hsph.harvard.edu
Tue Apr 9 12:43:21 EDT 2002

Howdy Howdy,

So I have been having fun getting to know Grass5 in relation to my ArcView
maps (city planning office data). What I'd like to know is how do I
impoirt/access data associated with a polygon layer? For example I have a
shapefile (.dbf, .shp, .ain, .aih, .shx) for city parks and I want to
access data columns on park name and MBP code.

What is the equivalent of opening up theme tables in arcview? I have tried
to play with the database commands, but the documentation hasn't helped at
all. I keep getting told that I have no DBMSCAP file, but, seemingly, this
file is not created when I use db.connect.




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