[GRASSLIST:3482] Re: impoirt of data tables associated with vector data

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Wed Apr 10 02:09:55 EDT 2002

On Tuesday 09 April 2002 06:43 pm, adinno at hsph.harvard.edu wrote:
> Howdy Howdy,
> So I have been having fun getting to know Grass5 in relation to my ArcView
> maps (city planning office data). What I'd like to know is how do I
> impoirt/access data associated with a polygon layer? For example I have a
> shapefile (.dbf, .shp, .ain, .aih, .shx) for city parks and I want to
> access data columns on park name and MBP code.

v.in.shape input=x.shp attribute=MBP label=NAME 
should import import shape with two columns. Few modules, like *pg and
db*, can use tables in external db. 
pg.in.dbf should import table to postgres and then you can v.db.reclass
or query with d.what.vect (only in latest cvs)

> What is the equivalent of opening up theme tables in arcview? 

If you mean point theme based on table x,y then there are d.db and
d.what.db. If you mean to open table as spreadsheet in some GUI interface 
then nothing.

> I have tried
> to play with the database commands, but the documentation hasn't helped at
> all. I keep getting told that I have no DBMSCAP file, but, seemingly, this
> file is not created when I use db.connect.

There are some instructions here:
where "5. You need to create the dbmscap" means that you have to write that
in text editor, but in latest version in cvs dbmscap is not needed.


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