[GRASSLIST:3539] catogry edit problem in v.support

shih5304 shih5304 at ms7.hinet.net
Wed Apr 17 23:34:21 EDT 2002

Dear List :

    I have some problems when convert vector line to rast. The vector line is made by v.in.dxf. The following is my processing steps: 
 1) I convert the contour line to rast with v.to.rast. and get some message "you must run v.support before running v.to.rast". 
 2) Run v.support with v.support map=XXXX.cont
 3) Run v.to.rast input=XXXX.cont output=VVVV
 4) Run d.rast VVVV then I got nothing
I have check the vector file with d.vect and d.what.vect and get some message"catgory support for vector file missing",  The problem is "how to edit catgory, Is it necessary to edit catogry line by line with v.support option=edit or it can run automatic?

Best Regards

shawn SHIH

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