[GRASSLIST:4257] can´t start grass5

Roberto Rosado Solorzano rrosado at semarnat.gob.mx
Thu Aug 8 18:02:42 EDT 2002

Hello everybody . . .
I'm a begginer with GRASS  and i've just downloaded and installed a 
precompiled binary named

grass-5.0.0pre3-sol8-sparc-opt.gz with pkgadd -d command

on a Sun Blade 100 workstation  in  /opt/GNUgrass/

i've followed the instructions in 
after that, when i pretend to run the program, first i got a wellcoming 
screen that ends with "hit any key" then i got this warning and the 
program running is killed
"ld.so.1: /opt/GNUgrass/grass5/etc/set_data: fatal: libncurses.so.5: 
open failed: No such file or directory

maybe some applet is missing??    would you lend me a hand please

Roberto Rosado

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