[GRASSLIST:5135] nviz and topographic map

Johannes Bühler johannesbuehler at oderbruecke.de
Mon Dec 2 18:48:52 EST 2002

i intent to visualize a topographic map on a elevation modell in nviz using
grass 5.0.0. after importing and georefernzing my tif file (8 bit)
(= topographical map) i opened the nviz tool. Showing the elevation model
is great but when i changed to parameter color to the topographic map i
only get a very bad image (see attachment). I guess it might be a
resolution problem, but i dont know how to solve it. i already changed the
resolution of the current region and both raster files using g.region and
r.resample but nothing changed. 
Any hints to solve this problem?

Johannes Buehler

--          Johannes Buehler
   __O      Feldtstr. 45
 =`\<,      14789 Greifswald 
(=)/(=)     johannes.buehler at uni-greifswald.de

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