[GRASSLIST:5208] RE: g.region help

John Gillette JGillette at rfmd.com
Tue Dec 10 17:47:38 EST 2002

A quick check of main.c for r.in.arc looks like it is supposed 
to set the "active region" from information in the header 
of the input file.  It also uses the number of rows and columns
from the header to read in the data.

Are you sure the raster file size changed?

(Can a developer check me here?)

	if(!gethead (fd, &cellhd, &missingval))  <-- get header 
                                         info using gethead.c
		fprintf (stderr, "Can't proceed\n");

	nrows = cellhd.rows;                     <-- number of 
                                            rows from header
	ncols = cellhd.cols;                     <-- number of 
                                         columns from header
	if(G_set_window (&cellhd) < 0)          <-- set "active
                                  region" to info from header
                                          (term used in 
                                    Grass programming manual)

	if (nrows != G_window_rows())     <- double check that
                                      rows from header equal
                                      the new active region
		fprintf (stderr, "OOPS: rows changed from %d to %d\n", nrows, G_window_rows());
	if (ncols != G_window_cols())  <-- double check columns
		fprintf (stderr, "OOPS: cols changed from %d to %d\n", ncols, G_window_cols());

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kevin Slover [mailto:Kevin.Slover at noaa.gov]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 1:08 PM
> To: grass-list
> Subject: [GRASSLIST:5206] g.region help
> I am having a bit of a dilemma, and I am sure there is any easy way to
> resolve it...I hope...
> I am currently importing what will soon be 4000+ arcview grid files
> using the r.in.arc command.  However, the raster produced 
> encompases the
> entire pre-set region.  Is it possible to set the region via the input
> file?  I know there is a g.region rast=<filename>, but the raster must
> already be present...Any ideas?
> -- 
> LTJG Kevin Slover, NOAA
> GIS Specialist/Oceanographer
> NOAA/TPC/TSB/Storm Surge Unit
> 11691 SW 17th Street 
> Miami FL  33165
> W (305) 229-4456

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