[GRASSLIST:3880] Re: Projection and m.in.e00

Ben Logan ben at wblogan.net
Sat Jun 15 07:41:21 EDT 2002

On Fri, Jun 14, 2002 at 09:49:27AM -0400, Kirk Schmidt wrote:
> I am not familiar with the m.in.e00 however, your projection is 
> incorrect:  The coordinates are not lat/long.
> The original data may have been in lat/long, but appears to have been 
> reprojected to another projection/datum. I don't recognize
> the coordinate system as you reported them.
> How about converting the data to a shapefile outside of grass and using 
> v.in.shape .

I spent a good deal of time this morning searching the web for such a
utility.  Apparently, there isn't an Open Source utility to go from
e00 to shp, but I did find a message to the FreeGIS list in which
Jan-Oliver Wagner says the following:

"I am not aware of a really simple converter in form of a "e002shp".
GRASS certainly can do the task, but you have to learn a little bit
about GRASS because you have to import data first and then export
it in another format.

"There are also E00compr and AVECE00 which provide a basis to read
some E00 types. They are not directly outputting shp, so you would
need to add this part e.g. by further processing data with tools that
create shp from simple text formats such as gen2shp.  So, this
solution would also involve an intermediate format."

(The entire message can be found here

Apparently AVECE00 and AVCE00 are the same package.  I also found the
gen2shp homepage and E00compr homepage.  However, I don't see any way
to use these tools to go from E00 to SHP since gen2shp requires its
input to be in ArcView "generate" format, and AVCE00/E00compr make no
mention of such a format.  Am I misunderstanding something?


Ben Logan: ben at wblogan dot net
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