[GRASSLIST:3322] d.mon error in GRASS GIS 5.0.0pre3

Francois Delclaux francois.delclaux at msem.univ-montp2.fr
Mon Mar 11 11:09:59 EST 2002

Hi, Grass users,

I downloaded the GRASS 5.0.0pre3 sources in my
RedHat7.1 system. Configuring and compiling were OK.
Executing Grass5 is OK, too, but when the monitor starts with
d.mon command, it fails with the following comment :

GRASS 5.0.0pre3 > d.mon x0
using default visual which is TrueColor
ncolors: 65536
Graphics driver [x0] started
ERROR: G_realloc: out of memory
Problem selecting x0. Will try once more
ERROR: G_realloc: out of memory

The monitor x0 appears on the screen, but is unavailable.
The nlev parameter doesn't change anything : ncolors is always
set to  65536.

My Linux config is  RedHat7.1,  version 2-4-2, i686
The Grafic device NVDIA GEOFORCE 2MX, and corresponding
modules have been updated
 Xwindow Release : The XFree86 Project, Inc,  11.0,  4003
Depth=16, and if I changed to 8, thre is the same problem.

If someone got the same problem, I would be happy to get more


UMR HydroSciences Montpellier
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mailto: delclaux at msem.univ-montp2.fr
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