[GRASSLIST:4715] Re: Question about ps.map

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Sun Oct 13 03:59:44 EDT 2002

Doug Gorley wrote:

> I have a question regarding ps.map.  I've created a ps.map input file
> that looks like this:


> This is working great, except for one thing: if I use d.zoom to display
> a certain part of the map, that's the only part that'll show up in my
> Postscript map.  Is this the intended behaviour,


> or am I missing
> something in the configuration?  Ideally, I thought the ps.map file
> should be able to specify a center of the map, and the scale should be
> independent on the d.mon display.

It isn't just ps.map which is affected. Almost all GRASS commands
operate upon the current region, and d.zoom changes the current
region. d.zoom is effectively an interactive version of g.region.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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