[GRASSLIST:4717] Re: allways illegal requests when using ps.map...

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Sun Oct 13 12:29:12 EDT 2002

Jeff D. Hamann wrote:

> I've been trying to produce a hardcopy map that has more than a simple
> raster and vector map in the output with no success. I've issues the
> following commands:
> ps.select painter=us-letter
> ps.map input=ps.testshed output=testshed.ps
> and keep getting the following message:
> PS-PAINT PostScript painter "us-letter" selected
>  : illegal request

This error message indicates an invalid keyword; in this case, the
keyword appears to be empty.

> and it doesn't work. I'm using GRASS5_pre3 on cygwin/win32 and haven't tried
> it on another platform. what am i doing wrong. Please help. save me from
> arc/info!

My suspicion is that this is related to the DOS end-of-line convention
(CR-LF, compared with just LF on Unix). Are you using a Windows
program to edit the input file? If you're using a Cygwin program,
ensure that it's operating in binary mode rather than text mode (i.e. 
the filesystem should be mounted in binary mode, or the CYGWIN
environment variable should contain the "binmode" option).

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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