[GRASSLIST:4752] grasslist@baylor.edu

Tom Z. Meinlschmidt tm at salome.datron.cz
Wed Oct 16 08:47:42 EDT 2002


i've following problem. I'm a beginner in Grass, but he seems to be the right
I was finding ever :)

I've elevation data in xyz site. So I need to interpolate and create raster from it,
but there's the problem.

With s.surf.rst I'm using default values - it works good but for  'higher' elevations only,
not for plains and valleys.. I need to do the following: 

make s.surf.rst with tension and smooth values equals to something, if elevation > something,
and the same with another values for lower elevations...

(similarity to Surfer: for highers use Kriging method, for lower use triangulation...)

could you help me, please?

thank you


Tomas Meinlschmidt, SBN3, MCT, MCP, MCP+I, MCSE, NetApp Filer & NetCache
Datron s.r.o., Vachkova 3008, 470 01 Ceska Lipa, 487 834 421, f: 487 834 425
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