[GRASSLIST:6123] Re: s.in.ascii debug

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Wed Apr 23 18:24:18 EDT 2003

Schuyler Fishman said:
> Well i tried reinstalling grass, the file is only one site - so it
> can't really be taking up a lot of space, and I also tried to add the
> site interactively typing in the x,y coordinates, same message. There
> are not a lot of other app draining memory because nothing else is
> running.
> How would you proceed - I need a site coverage with one point on it.

You can just create the site file directly and copy into your mapset.
Sites are in ascii format anyhow.

See the section "Sites (point data) import" in the GRASS tutorial at
http://grass.itc.it/gdp/grass5tutor/HTML/book1.html for a very short
introduction and the s.in.ascii man page for a description of the format.


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