[GRASSLIST:888] Re: Contracted Grass support?

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Sat Aug 2 09:27:46 EDT 2003

Hello Bruce,

On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 11:25:04PM +0200, Bruce Bushby wrote:
> I'm looking to contract a grass developer or 'expert' to analyses some
> ESRI 'shape' files. (Streets, Highways and Rivers etc), in brief:

Note that there are several companies 
offering commerical support around GRASS.

The Webmaster of the GRASS team, Markus Neteler keeps a list at:
All those companies have experience with GRASS.

I'm representing one of the companies and 
will email you my more detailed company information seperately.

> 1. Develop a scripted import mechanism which would import ALL the
> map information, attributes, labels and categories etc.
> 2. Display the vector layers including labels.
> 3. Produce rasta images which reference specified 'art rules' ie:
> road_thickness,
> road_border_color, including labels.
> I've been told that I have to use "ArcInfo" software to produce 'eye candy'
> maps, however I'm determined to use Grass, even it requires purchasing
> custom
> development.

If your goal is good looking maps,
many cartographers prefer to do the map development and analysis
with GRASS and produce vector output formats which are then
processed with more general Free Software graphic applications.

Thus depending on your goals using a software chain like GRASS -> Sketch 
or GRASS -> Thuban -> Sketch can produce nicer maps for printing.
If you need nice raster maps for onscreen display, UNM Mapserver
might also be a possible component of this chain.

Depending on a better knowledge of your goals 
this sort of solution is what we would offer.

> Please quote experience, hourly rate and time estimate.

Especially the level of 'art rules' would be a major item
for the time estimate.


Professional Service for Free Software                 (intevation.net)  
The FreeGIS Project                                       (freegis.org)
Association for a Free Informational Infrastructure          (ffii.org)
FSF Europe                                              (fsfeurope.org)
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