[GRASSLIST:962] Re: odbc drivers, no sql.h --read the archives--help

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Sat Aug 16 23:38:36 EDT 2003

stef wrote:

> Hopefully one last question about my compiling
> problems..the sql.h files, and there absence.  Whne I
> run the ./compile it stops at the ODBC library and
> complains that there is no sql.h file.  I have looked
> for this file by running find -name sql.h and
> variations with wild cards-- there is no sql.h file.

It's part of UnixODBC.

> I looked at the previous message logs regarding the
> sql.h files and there was some discussion about making
> it optional-- 

It is optional.

> 1) is this plausible
> 2) how do I do this

	./configure --without-odbc

Every optional package has a corresponding --with-<package> switch;
use "./configure --help" for a list.

> 3) what effects will this have on my work

Probably none.

> 4) I noticed a new iso grass image on the website
> (placed Aug 8 2003) if I burn this will that
> circumnavigate my compiling problems?

Using precompiled binaries will solve compiling problems. However, you
may encounter problems with binaries which aren't compatible with your
OS distribution. This mostly occurs because of library versions;
particularly NVIZ, which will only work with the same version of
Tcl/Tk with which it was compiled.

> I am running redhat 8 and completed all the patches
> and uploads..I have kde and now my infamous odbc
> drivers are tormenting me...I see them in the
> kde/share files, ./etc/odbc.ini,
> /user/local/grass5/driver/db/odbc (this is from my
> previous install of the binaries)
> I then tried: 
> ODBC-Grass5 install instructions and did not find the
> $GISBASE/driver/db/odbc --it stated no such file or
> directory (yes this conflicts with the above
> /user/local..odbc) so I tried to compile the
> grass5.0.2/src/libes/dbmi/drivers/odbc on its own--
> the error message says it wants the sql.h file..
> I then tried: 
> I then reinstalled the postgresql and had success
> until it came to the last tests which stated "could
> not connect to server: No such file or directory
> Is the server running locally and accepting
> connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"
> "? 

This normally indicates that the PostgreSQL daemon (postmaster) isn't
running. You may have to explicitly enable this service (e.g. with

> This may have to do with the lack of ODBC
> drivers..

No; the PostgreSQL modules don't use or require ODBC.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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