[GRASSLIST:966] Re: Importing a Scanned Map?

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 17 20:22:47 EDT 2003

> "Change to the GRASS monitor.
> I have launched "d.mon x0" in step c. 

that's right. If you have another monitor open you might need 
d.mon select=x0  as well..

>  Here display the imported map."  How is this done?

g.region rast=scannedmap  # zoom to the bounds of the imported map
d.rast scannedmap

(you should have imported into a XY location)

some of my old notes:
To register a TIFF:
eg NZ7624.tiff:
	info from GIMP/Paint Shop Pro:
		299x299 dpi
		Orig Map Scale 1:60,000
		8412x12601 pixels
	As per Intro to GRASS, p27:
		1cm = 600m
		299 dpi = 299/2.54cm = 117.72 lines/cm
		Per cm, the ratio is: 600m/117.72 = 5.097m/line
		Cell resolution is therefore 5.097m2.
	Mind the disk space! May be hundreds of MB a piece!
r.in.tiff	Easier with support file.
(i.group)	Make a new map group, add new raster to that group
i.target	 \
i.point		  \
i.rectify	  _\/_

see the tutorial for much better instructions:

> r.in.gdal seg 
> faults every time I run it.  I have also converted the image to PNG and 
> r.in.png blows up because it is asking specifically for libpng.so.2.  

hopefully someone else on the list can help you with that, as they are
things which should be fixed in GRASS.

good luck,

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