[GRASSLIST:992] Re: r.surf.idw?

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 21 22:23:51 EDT 2003


g.region res=10
g.region res=1
s.surf.rst  or  s.surf.idw

> Hi all, I have a 10m DEM that I would like to turn into a 1m DEM. 
> However I don't want to have a bunch of 10m wide blocks.  Ideally I
> would like to smooth the data (I realize that the data will be fake). 
> I tried r.surf.rast, with various average distances (12, 100, 1000),
> but nothing ever changed.  When I look at the new DEMs, the 10m wide
> pixel is still there, just as a 10 x 10 matrix of cells all with the
> same value.  I made sure that my region is set at 1m, and my raster is
> sampled at 1m.  It seems that there is an easy way to do this, any
> suggestions?  I am running GRASS 5 (Open OSX) on Mac 10.2.6.

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