[GRASSLIST:1069] Problems with a Raster Import

Phillip J. Allen paallen at attglobal.net
Thu Aug 28 16:37:22 EDT 2003

Hi all,

I am currently trying to import a binary raster file into grass5 without 
luck.  Along with the .bil file I have a .ers and a .hdr.  These two 
files I have copied below.

I was able to import it with r.in.gdal but the resultant raster had 
erroneous cell values.

Any suggestions?


Phillip J. Allen
e-mail: paallen at attglobal.net

the .hdr file:
byteorder I
nbits 32
xdim 90.000000
ydim 90.000000
ncols 8532
nrows 6280
nbands 1
ulxmap 116045.000000
ulymap 8900955.000000

the .ers file:
DatasetHeader Begin
    Version        = "6.3"
    Name        = "S-18-10_utm_dem.ers"
    LastUpdated    = Thu Jun 12 07:05:10 GMT 2003
    DataFile    = "S-18-10_utm_dem.bil"
    DataSetType    = ERStorage
    DataType    = Raster
    ByteOrder    = LSBFirst
    CoordinateSpace Begin
        Datum        = "WGS84"
        Projection    = "SUTM18"
        CoordinateType    = EN
        Rotation    = 0:0:0.0
    CoordinateSpace End
    RasterInfo Begin
        CellType    = IEEE4ByteReal
        NullCellValue    = -32768
        CellInfo Begin
            Xdimension    = 90
            Ydimension    = 90
        CellInfo End
        NrOfLines    = 6280
        NrOfCellsPerLine    = 8532
        RegistrationCoord Begin
            Eastings    = 116000
            Northings    = 8901000
        RegistrationCoord End
        NrOfBands    = 1
        BandId Begin
            Value        = "Pseudo Layer"
        BandId End
        RegionInfo Begin
            Type        = Polygon
            RegionName    = "All"
            SubRegion    = {
                0    0
                0    6280
                8532    6280
                8532    0
        RegionInfo End
    RasterInfo End
DatasetHeader End

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