[GRASSLIST:2103] How to use v.net.iso (GRASS5.7)

Hayashi Shin-ichiro forest at bres.tsukuba.ac.jp
Sun Dec 21 09:17:04 EST 2003

Dear GRASS users:

I want to use "v.net.iso" command.
I have a vector network data.
And I gave same category number to node of vector network data. 
But center node for calculation has to have original other category number for using v.net.iso. 

My question is 
How do I give original other category number to center node for calculation?

Please give me your suggestion.
Thank you in advance.
Sincerely yours.

Hayashi Shin-ichiro  
mail:forest at bres.tsukuba.ac.jp URL:http://ryuiki.agbi.tsukuba.ac.jp/~forest
Watershed Management Lab., University of TSUKUBA

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