[GRASSLIST:2115] Re: New Location

Daniel Victoria daniel_victoria at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 31 06:56:22 EST 2003


I'm not an expert here but, if you know the lat/long
of your region, why are you creating a XY region and
not a  lat/long?

Maybee that's it, but once again, I'm not an expert...

--- Maliheh <malihehs at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello dear GRASS list,
> I want to describe my problem from the beginning for
> you, I wish you can and you want to help me and also
> it can be helpful for others.
> I want to create a new location for my region; I
> don’t have any digital map that match my need, I
> have just a paper map and a GPS receiver, with use
> of gpsdrive I noted coordinates of four points on my
> map. Gpsdrive shows the coordinates like this:
> Latitude: 35.73581    Longitude: 51.40387
> And also I know that my region is between 34:52N ,
> 34:21N  and 50:10E , 53:10E; and my map scale is
> 1/12000 and the resolution of scanned map is 100dpi.
> Now start the grass5.7 for creation new location:
> a.      LOCATION:        test________            
> (enter list for a list of locations)
> MAPSET:            root__________             (or
> mapsets within a location)
> DATABASE:   /usr/local/src/GIS/grassdata
> b.      LOCATION <test> - doesn't exist
> Would you like to create location <test>? (y/n) y
> c.      To create a new LOCATION, you will need the
> following information:
> 1. The coordinate system for the database
>         x, y (for imagery and other unreferenced
> data)
>         Latitude-Longitude
>         UTM
>         Other Projection
> 2. The zone for the UTM database
>    and all the necessary parameters for projections
> other than
>    Latitude-Longitude, x, y, and UTM
> 3. The coordinates of the area to become the default
> region
>    And the grid resolution of this region
> 4. A short, one-line description or title for the
> location
> Do you have all this information for location
> <test>? (y/n) y
> d.      Please specify the coordinate system for
> location <test>
> A   x, y
> B   Latitude - Longitude
> C   UTM
> D   Other Projection
> RETURN to cancel
> > A
> x, y coordinate system? (y/n) [y] y
> e.      Please enter a one line description for
> location <test>
> > Create a new Location 
> Create a new Location 
> Ok? (y/n) [y] y
>                        ====== DEFAULT REGION ====
>                        |     NORTH EDGE: 36         
>      |
>                        |                            
>               |
> WEST EDGE     |                                     
>        | EAST EDGE
> 50                  |                               
>              | 53
>                        |     SOUTH EDGE: 34         
>       |
>                        ======================
>            PROJECTION: 0 (x, y)                     
>   ZONE: 0
>                              GRID RESOLUTION
> East-West:     0.03
> North-South:   0.02
> g.      projection:   0 (x,y)
> zone:       0
> north:       36
> south:      34
> east:        53
> west:       50
> e-w res:    0.02  (Changed to conform to grid)
> n-s res:     0.03  (Changed to conform to grid)
> total rows:          100
> total cols:            100
> total cells:           10000
> Do you accept this region? (y/n) [n] > y
> LOCATION <test> has been created!
> I know that in some steps specially those with red
> highlight, I’ve done something wrong, but I don’t
> know 
=== message truncated ===

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