[GRASSLIST:5542] GRASS 5.0.1 compilation issues

Wayne Gibson gibson at coas.oregonstate.edu
Thu Feb 13 14:48:21 EST 2003

I'm attempting to compile GRASS 5.0.1 on a SunBlade 1000.  There are quite a few 
"failed" messages in the config.log file.  I assume that is normal.  When I 
"make" the package, the only errors written to "error.log" are

Compilation error in module: src/raster/r.tiff (ignored)
Compilation error in module: src/display/devices/PNGdriver (ignored)

I assume these can be ignored.

Now I attempt to start GRASS and I get the error message:

   Sorry, I need to know a more specific terminal type than "".^M

I've tracked it down to the program call "set_data" found in "etc/Init.sh".  
When I replace the "set_data" program with the one from the pre-compiled SUN 
package, all works just fine.

I thought it might be a library issue so I ran "ldd" to see which dynamic 
libraries are required:

ldd /usr/local/grass5/etc/set_data
        libncurses.so.5 =>       /usr/local/lib/libncurses.so.5
        libcurses.so.1 =>        /usr/lib/libcurses.so.1
        libm.so.1 =>     /usr/lib/libm.so.1
        libnsl.so.1 =>   /usr/lib/libnsl.so.1
        libz.so.1 =>     /usr/lib/libz.so.1
        libsocket.so.1 =>        /usr/lib/libsocket.so.1
        libc.so.1 =>     /usr/lib/libc.so.1
        libdl.so.1 =>    /usr/lib/libdl.so.1
        libmp.so.2 =>    /usr/lib/libmp.so.2

If I swap "set_data" with the pre-compiled version, the executable points to the 
same libraries so it is not an issue with which library is used.

I also checked source code to see if the error message was coming from the GRASS 
source code or some system call.  I could not find the offending message in any 
.c or .h file so I assume(?) it is a system call.  I'm using the Sun Workshop 6 
C compiler.

Has anyone seen this type of message before?



Wayne Gibson
Oregon State University
gibson at coas.oregonstate.edu
(541) 737-5696

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