[GRASSLIST:5652] Filling a polygon using a "bucket with color"

Jan Kohout xkohout2 at informatics.muni.cz
Mon Feb 24 10:46:58 EST 2003

Have a nice day anywhere you are,

    I have an area described by several lines and I need to find a
function which is similar to "spilling a color". From a given point I need
to set all surrounding points to have some speicifed value/category until
reaches wall(borders) from lines.

    The border is defined by non-zero values, other values are zero (of
course I can change it if needed). Any idea?

    This method is used in almost all graphical programs, but I need to
use some GRASS method because of non-interactivity.

               Thanks for help


                           HoK Honza Kohout                       
student Fakulty Informatiky MU       clen 137. NRS Klubu Bludny koren     
 http://www.fi.muni.cz/~xkohout2                http://www.koren.cz/
  honza at koren.cz                                      klub at koren.cz

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